HouseholdToilet CareBathing & Shower CareSafety RailsBed AccessoriesSpecialist Bathing Care

Sutton Shower Cradle Large

*Chrome plated steel frame.

*Four large braked castors for stability.

*Quick release zipped mesh.

*Padded sides for comfort.

*Lap strap.

More details



If you are a registered charity, are chronically sick or disabled or the products are being purchased on behalf of an individual who is chronically sick or disabled, you do not have to pay the VAT on this product.

Small, medium & large models available. Ideal for showering with washable mesh covering.The top of the mesh can be released by undoing the velcro straps at the rear to allow optimum access for hair washing. All our meshes have a covering of Polygiene which helps to inhibit smells and bacteria growth


How it works

Silver ions kills the bacteria on the fabric surface by penetrating the cell membrane.The bacteria on the skin, the “natural skin flora”, remains unaffected

The silver is homogenously distributed throughout the material

If you would prefer to have ASM help you with your requirements, we can arrange for a trained sales advisor to visit you and carry out a personal assessment. Please contact us on 01928574301 or for further details.